Soqi Inside brings you Health and a opportunity to create Wealth

With “Soqi” as a International Brand for healthcare, HTE International has come up with a system that when Soqi added inside a home, a corporate office or a community, it will bring Health to them, and for those who are looking for opportunities, when they add “Soqi” inside their home, business or community, it will create Wealth.
Someday, "SOQI Inside" will become a scientific healthcare for every household, a business opportunity for every one
Bringing SOQI to every family - Use the empty room and modify it into a SOQI room and take care of your family and friends' health.
Build a SOQI workshop - Not only take care of everyone's health in the family, but also build a successful home-based business, utilizing the latest trends in the health industry.
Bring SOQI into the community - Build a SOQI center in every community, and let SOQI be everyone's health guard.
Bring SOQI into beauty salons - SOQI's multi-energy technology can increase the effects of facials, weight lost, and wrinkle removal treatments.
Bring SOQI into massage parlors - The SOQI Bed's total health management system will bring new life into the traditional massage parlor with radiant heat and soothing relaxation from the constant back and forth rhythm of the Chi.
Bring SOQI into gyms - What better way to follow a workout than by climbing into the SOQI Bed to reenergize your muscles, promote healing, and expand the effects of your exercise regime.
Bring SOQI to the entrepreneur's office - SOQI's multifaceted energy sources can help busy entrepreneurs take care of their health in the smartest and most convenient way - their home office.
Bring SOQI to the corporate office - More corporations are realizing the importance of employee health and well being. Having a SOQI Bed down the hallway would be a great way to spend breaks and lunch hours!