Electro Magnetic Field
Electro-magnetic Radiation (EMR) is the radiant energy created by accelerating electrons or photons, traveling as waves, that emanates from all things in nature and from man-made electronic systems. It includes cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, radar, microwaves, TV, radio, cell phones and all electronic transmission systems. EMR is made up of electric and magnetic fields that move at right angles to each other at the speed of light. Electro-magnetic Fields (EMFs) surround electronic and electric equipment, high voltage power lines, and all the man-made devices listed above
The Invisible Danger(EMF)
Hazardous to Our Health?
The Electro-magnetic Field (EMF) emissions from your computer, cell phone, cordless phone, GPS, satellite radio, blue tooth, WiFi, hybrid electric car, TV and other common appliances may emit EMF levels 30 to 100 times greater than suggested safe limits.
Long term assessive usage of mobile cell phone without proper precaution, EMF radiation will have adverse effects on our body.
Those white areas from the ear down the throat to the lungs indicate degeneration.And can you guess what the red areas are...that's right inflammation.
These may affect normal brain frequencies, which should operate at 8 to 22 cycles per second when we are awake, and drop to 2 to 6 cycles per second while we sleep. EMF may cause headaches, fatigue, hyperactivity, allergies, immune dysfunction, emotional highs and lows, disrupt brain and glandular function, sleep, cancer, and much more.
Some doctors are concerned about increased incidence of brain tumors and other very serious conditions from cell phones alone. Since 1979, scientific tests by a Medical Doctor and Electrical Engineer show a two- to three-times risk of childhood leukemia for children living in homes close to power lines and transformers. By 2007, conclusions expanded from research by a top occupational medical epidemiologist and a representative of the Washington State Department of Health, and others, to report that up to 80 percent of all cases of childhood leukemia may be caused by exposure to these fields.
As early as 1982, researchers found a nearly three-fold increase in breast cancer among women younger than age 55 living near power lines. Their research also showed EMF exposure to increase risk of other cancers of the nervous system, uterus and lymphoid tumors among adults. In 2001, three men in one small office developed breast cancer. Their office was close to an electrical vault emitting EMFs.
Prevention :
Detoxify your body from your cumulative EMF load. Some helpful techniques and tools to stimulate their release include:
a. Far Infrared heating systems have been tested in Japan and found free of toxic electromagnetic fields. The Swedish National Institute of Radiation Protection has also concluded that infrared heaters are not dangerous. Instead, Japanese researchers have reported that far infrared radiant heat antidotes the negative effects of toxic electromagnetic sources.
b.Under high frequency,
negative ion detoxification
, our body immunity and self cure ability strengthens, gamma-globulin in blood increases hence balancing the concentration of ions present in our cell membrane, creating biochemical reaction neutralizing EMF and eliminating harmful substances which would cause our human body to fall sick. Using E-Power device is highly recomended for this purpose.
EMF Protection and Shielding Products. Unfortunately, we have not found any tools to be 100% protective, but they can block some or most of the EMFs. Some protection tools actually concentrate the EMFs in the area of your body where the device is.a. EMF Clearing and Protection Jewelry b. Sodalite crystals ( Salt Lamp) placed near your computer monitor,keyboard, television and other EMF-emitting devices help neutralize EMF.c. By wearing EMF Clearing and Protection Jewelry
The best approach to EMF is to educate yourself, minimize your exposure, mitigate the continuing EMF culprits, and detoxify your body. Many people are very surprised at how light, healthy, relaxed and happy they feel with the EMF load on their body minimized or eliminated!